Florida Pre-Med Programs Admissions Consultants
Florida is home to some of the top BS/MD programs making it a great place to pursue undergraduate studies within the medical field.
Like most schools, pre-med is not a major, however the universities below offer options though their Medical Honors Programs.

The college admissions bar is high, but not insurmountable. Getting into your pre-med school of choice takes strategy and wherewithal, and Bentham Admissions is here to give you that. Our team of college consultants—all Ivy and top university graduates—know how to navigate the college admissions process and will help you channel your efforts as productively as possible. We work with you to select the best school list and strategically highlight and communicate your qualifications. Contact Bentham today to learn how you can improve your admissions odds.
Best Pre-Med Colleges in Florida
University of Florida
The university is a top 75 premed program with research opportunities, is home to the Medical Honors Program, a 7 year BS/MD program open to students in their sophomore year. Pre-Health Services are offered to all students interested in the medical field.
University of South Florida
The university offers rising sophomores a multi-year academic enrichment and career exploration opportunity while being supported during their undergraduate years through the Pre-Health Services Program (PSP). More than 40% of PSP members have gained acceptance to advanced health care programs. The 7-Year Medical Program is another option for those applying to undergraduate admissions as first-year students. The 7- Year BS/MD is Offered through the Judy Genshaft Honors College at USF and Morsani College of Medicine (MCOM). Pre-Medical Student Advising is also offered for those not in the above programs.
University of Miami
The university is a leading research institution offering current students Pre-Health services and nine Pre-Health Clubs. Early admissions to the Leonard M. Miller School of Medicine is offered to exceptional undergraduates students in their sophomore year who are admitted to the Medical Scholars Program Medical Scholars Program (MSP).
Florida State University
The university offers five current FSU Honors Program students to pursue an Honors Medical Scholars BS/MD degree. Pre-Medical Advising is also offered for undergraduate students.
Finding a college that will prepare and support you in the medical school application process should be an important consideration in your college search process. If you would like additional guidance in the best colleges for pre-med students in Florida, please be in touch with a member of our team.