Many early applicants to UMich recently learned that their applications have been postponed until regular admission. What does this mean, and what can you do?
What does Postpone mean here?
First, UMich has decided to use the term “postponed” instead of “deferred” because they apparently like receiving a flood of panicked calls and texts. The rumor mill has exploded because of this word, and many think it means UMich didn’t look at the applications at all in the early round. This is untrue.
A postponement can mean
They need more time to consider your application
They want to see how you have performed academically and otherwise during the first semester of your senior year
They want to see who they get in the regular admission round, and how you stack up against those students.
That last item is a little bleak, but you do have a couple of advantages
First, you did apply early, which demonstrates more interest than the regular admit is demonstrating
Second, you get the ECI! The ECI, or Expression of Continued Interest may be only 250 words, but you can do a LOT with 250 words.
UMich claims that applying early just puts your mind at rest if you get accepted… no statistics are released about the percentage of applicants who are admitted early, so this might not mean much.

What to Do If You’re Postponed from U Michigan
First, you will go to “Enrollment Connect” to find the Expression of Continued Interest form. UMich was overwhelmed in the past by an increasing flood of letters, recommendation letters, portfolios, digital files, science projects, artworks, etc., and decided to streamline the process with the Expression of Continued Interest form. This means that they want nothing else from you aside from the midyear update from your counselor.
Update them on your activities - whatever has happened since you first applied that adds more weight to your application. An award would be nice, or a victory in a debate, Model UN, or science olympiad tournament. If you don’t have those, there are still plenty of things you can use - did you do a science project you could talk about? A history paper? A memorable and creative group presentation? Did you make something happen at school - a cultural sharing show, a fashion show, a food drive? Can you tell them about a breakthrough you had with a student in the writing center? Be specific about some way you have succeeded and grown since you first applied.
Stay Active - keep your grades up, look for any opportunity to win a prize (prepare hard for competitions), assist in a class, take on a notable role on campus, or help create an event. The students who get off the postponed list will have meaningful updates to include in the Expression of Continued Interest.
Show Your Interest
The most obvious way to do this is to reiterate your interest on your EOCI form, backed by new examples of why you and UMich are a perfect match. Suck it up, and do more research. Find out about another professor, program, or facility relevant to your major. Find an extracurricular or two that perfectly fits with the story your application tells. If you worked a lot in food pantries, find out what student organizations at UMich are doing about hunger locally and globally.
Better Yet - speak with a department advisor to learn more about the major or program you’re interested in. You might also consider visiting Michigan again, sitting in on a class in your major, and making yourself known to the professor and the admissions office.
If you’re an engineering applicant, you might also mention that you are willing to be an LSA student instead, as that is less selective.
Finally, if you have family members who are connected to Michigan, work that in!